21 July 2014

More Meanings for the Wheel of Fortune

The other day, I walked you through the Wheel of Fortune tarot card meaning. Today I'm going to talk about the different meanings that this card may have depending on the other arcana that surround it.

As already stated this card is versatile and can be positive or negative very easily. It is also really easy to guess it's good or bad meaning from its neighboring cards.

Positive or negative tarot spread?

In the psychic reading I detailed the other day the tarot card was placed right after the Death; which is symbol of the end of an era or entire renewal (in a good sense in this case).

The Death relates to changes, and the Wheel of Fortune to its right was supposed to provide us with more in-depth information. However and because the card is so versatile it did not provide us with any more information than "indeed, the change will be dramatic".

OK. Dramatic but... in which way ???

In order to provide more information to my client I needed to spread another card. That is where the Chariot and it so positive effects impacted my reading and allowed me to say that the outcome would be so positive.

Now imagine that, instead of the Chariot we would have had the Tower; which is a very negative arcanum. The most negative one in the whole deck. 

The association of the Death and the Wheel of fortune would have been entirely different. From a positive outcome we would have had a disaster! As indeed, with the Tower in the neighborhood, this psychic reading would have been extremely negative with the client laid off, jobless for a long time, depressed, etc. 

Some more interpretations for the tenth tarot arcanum

The Empress

When spread to the right of the Empress, this arcanum tells us that our destiny is in the hands of a woman. This can be in all kinds of situations, from employment questions to love matters.

The Magician

When placed to the right of the Magician and spread for a man, it may relate to its occupation. One of the meanings may tell us that this man is going to get a promotion and higher wages, for example. You will look at the next cards to provide a more accurate prediction.

The Sun

Place the Wheel of Fortune to the right of the Sun and you can tell your client that he/she's going to be successful in all domains of his/her life. Obviously, the previous and next cards will provide you with more accurate answers.

The Tower

Depending on where the Tower is placed the meaning can be positive or negative:

  • Tower to the right: misfortune, loss of money, failure...
  • Tower to the left: (double check neighboring cards!!!) end of problems, end of an era, renewal, etc.

That's it for today. See you soon for an article dedicated to the Strength.

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17 July 2014

The Wheel of Fortune's Mysteries

The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is the tenth arcanum and a very versatile one. It can be whether positive or negative depending on its neighboring cards and the situation the consultant is experiencing. 

The drawing on this card is the one of a wheel that is into motion and that sands for changes in life. The good and the bad. The luck and the misfortunes. It is a symbol of our destiny.

This card is adorned with a wheel in motion; which represents the changes of our life. The Wheel Of Fortune card symbolizes our destiny.

Two figures are on the Wheel of Fortune: on the right is Hermanubis, good engineering and on the left is Typhon, the perversion symbol.

In the Tarot de Marseille deck you can see a Sphinx sitting on the top of this moving wheel. It is meant to represent the balance between good and evil. The Sphinx is also symbol of destiny. 

The Wheel of Fortune is the visual drawing of the ups and downs that rhythm our lives. It relates to joy and sorrow, good and bad, what will happen and what won't happen, money to be earned and money to be spent/stolen. 

The Wheel of Fortune's meaning

When spread in its normal position the arcanum relates to the success we will get in whatever we do, the good intuitions we are provided with, the money that we are going to get, whether a surprise or a due amount of money; it is also synonym of our victory over the elements - more like some won battle or fight or just the ability to overcome bad events.

When it is spread upside down, the card represents the future potential failures, the missed opportunities because of life events that are going to interfere in your endeavours, the lack of stability, the loss of money (taxes, stolen money, etc.), situations that are blocked and don't seem to get better. 

Wheel of Fortune spread detailed

Here I'm going to tell you what you can predict from a psychic reading I have done in the past using the Wheel of Fortune tarot card. We are talking about a consultant that has problems with her job and wants to learn as to whether her boss will laid her off or if things are going to settle soon.

Spread using the Moon, Magician, Death, Wheel of Fortune and Chariot

As you can see above, we have spread five cards and placed them on our tarot placemat this way:

  1. The Moon,
  2. The Magician,
  3. The Death,
  4. The Wheel of Fortune,
  5. The Chariot.

As you can see, our tenth tarot arcanum is placed to the right of the Death (13th). The place of your card is very important as it does not have the same implication when it is placed to the right than when it is placed to the left.

Here the Wheel on the left symbolizes the positive outcomes after the elements brought by the Death would affect the consultant. The Death placed before the Wheel of Fortune in our spread means the end of something with a positive outcome.

The Moon represents the worries of our client - illusions, nightmares, etc. In a spread for a question relating to a marriage the Moon would represent the household.

The Magician here is our client's position that she considers very important in her life. 

The association of the Moon and Chariot confirm that, whatever the truth behind her worries, she definitely fears the loss of her job.

Next we find the Death and the Wheel of Fortune. We can associate them and see that, with the Chariot after both of these cards, the answer is going to be positive. The 13th and 10th arcana let us know that our client is soon going to soon be reassured and see a brighter professional future.

The Chariot after the tenth arcanum confirms that she is going to get whether a better position in the company or a new job. 

I only used 5 cards in this spread and thus we will not know what exactly is the prediction as a whole. More cards after the Chariot would have helped us to make an entire predicition. The use of minor arcana would have provided even more details. 

Here we had a positive spread. See you next time for more ways to read that tarot card, both positive and negative.

09 July 2014

Some More Ways To Read The Hermit Tarot Card

The Hermit - 9th major arcanum
Last time I posted I reviewed the Hermit tarot card and gave you a manner to read it in a specific spread. Today I am going to show you how to read it in some other ways.

When doing psychic readings, you do not always provide the card with the same meaning. You must also look at the arcana that surround the card you are reading and their own meaning that is also supposed to be related to their neighboring cards.

Complicated, uh?

Well, indeed, psychic reading is a hard task and that is why it is often high priced. However, a good fortune teller is supposed to know her/his job and, more particularly, his/her cards and their meanings.

What does the Hermit tarot card stand for?

Another rendition of the Hermit
So here are some other manners to talk about the 9th tarot arcanum.

The Hermit straight can mean different things such as:

  • Time enforces sentiments in a relationship,
  • Be cautious about something,
  • The person you are asking the reading for does not want to communicate,
  • Quiet area when spread about a location you are looking to buy for example,
  • Good news when related to some money matters such as stock options, etc.

Character representation:

  • A doctor,
  • Old people or grand parents,
  • A priest,
  • A scientist...

Health matters:

  • Backpain,
  • Arthritis...

As you can see, the arcanum does not provide us with negative answers, especially when spread in its normal position. 

Also in some countries, doing health related clairvoyance is forbidden, and so it is in my area, therefore I never do such readings. Though telling someone that you see they have backpain is not that a big deal... and can help you get some more credit if it turns out to be true.

Note: personally I very rarely spread cards upside down as all of them always come with both positive and negative meanings whatever their position.


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03 July 2014

All About the Hermit Tarot

The Hermit tarot
The Ermit or Hermit tarot card is the 9th arcanum in the major lame deck. It is a card with a lot of different meanings that all relate to loneliness, thought and wisdom. It is not a negative card although it is not the most positive one either. Let's say that we can consider a mid-way card.

The Hermit relates to the inner you

The drawing is the one of an old man. He is dressed in a long cape of which the back is the one of a poor man and the inside is the one of a wealthy person. He also carries a lantern. He must get help from a cane in order to walk - this confirms that he is quite old.

If you take a closer look at the picture you will also notice that the Hermit walks with caution, he looks where his feet are and what they are doing. He makes sure he will not fall in any kind of trap.

The two different types of clothing you notice on his cape mean that the Hermit is more interested with the value of the inner wealth (the one that your soul is provided with) than to exhibition of wealth. This tarot card will thus relate more to the inner you than people around you and things that you own or want to own.

The 9th tarot card's meaning in a spread

When spread in its normal position, the card stands for contemplation, caution, protection, meditation, preservation and reflexion. However it may also relate to cynism...

When spread upside down, the card has an entirely different meaning that is quite negative! It may mean selfishness, greed, indolence and the planning of dishonest actions.

When spread during a psychic reading and in a favorable position or place, this card will let your consultant know about the importance of reflexion in the situation  the person is asking for that reading. This can also mean that the person must seriously think about any action she plans to do in the future: reflexion, patience and time are the keywords for you to read that card correctly.

If this arcanum is spread in a negative position or upside down, it just confirms that the situation will not evolve. Things may be blocked somewhere in your consultant's life. Now the consultant might also not be eager to take action in order to change things. Last but not the least, the consultant's associates/friends/boyfriend may also be lacking of passion, action and courage.

Life-like spread using the Hermit tarot card

Let's say that your client is a woman who applied for a new job and did not receive any reply yet. She knows that other applicants are men and that the world doesn't give as many chances to women than to men. Thus she wants to know as to whether she is going to get the job or not. We will use the simple cross for a quick answer.

We shuffle the cards and spread four of them:

Left: The Magician
Right: The Hermit
Top: The Temperance
Bottom: The Sun

The Magician allows us to tell our consultant that the employer knows that she has the needed skills for the job. He really knows that she IS the right person.

However, the Hermit says that the employer is a misogynist and that he does not want a woman to take the position. Because it is also a card of time, the answer may take some additional days and even weeks before being sent to the applicant.

On top we have the Temperance that symbolizes our consultant who is expecting communication from the company and the human resource department.

At the bottom, we have the Sun as the answer: despite the employer's misogyny, he is going to hire our consultant. If we add more cards we could even learn why... Chances are that it is because she is the only one qualified for the job despite the fact that the employer interviewed dozens of men.

We will cover even more meanings of the Hermit tarot card in another article so as to provide you with more in-depth information about it.