30 May 2014

The Empress Additional Meanings

There are so many different ways in which the Empress tarot card can be read that it is hard to list all of them. It all depends on where the arcanum is placed, the two or four cards that surround it, sometimes it also depends on the use of numerology - I don't use it, though. And even the synthesis of cards when doable counts towards its meaning.

As you can see it is almost impossible to provide you with and exhaustive list of potential interpretations.

However, I can list a few of the different ways you can read the arcanum. These will help you with your very own psychic readings and those of your very own fortune-teller. 

One of the things I do when I call a clairvoyant that makes use of cards for predictions, is that I ask which cards she/he pulled on the table. Then I take note and after the call, I check out the actual meanings so as to compare with my own knowledge.

Different manners to read the Empress tarot

The place of the card is very important when you read it. If it is placed to the right of a card, it influences this card with its own significations. If it is placed to the left of a card, it is influenced by the card that is placed to its right. Complicated, eh.

A real example may be clearer, I think.

In this reading, you have the Empress to the left and the Wheel of Fortune to the right.

This means that the 10th arcanum will influence the meaning of the 3rd arcanum.

The Empress is the woman, the mother, knowledge, decisions, good news. The Wheel of fortune highlights the meaning of the Empress: things are going to turn out good. 

Good decisions are made. Good choices. Good news are on the way. Some money might even reach your bank account soon. And so on. All meanings depend on all thecards that are spread of course. Here we only have two cards. But they are used to illustrate the way you are supposed to read them.

Here we have the Wheel of Fortune first and the Empress to its right.

It is thus the 3rd arcanum that will influence the meaning of the 10th.

The Wheel is synonym to luck, good things, change (for the best or the worst), things that are always moving.

The Empress symbolizes female elements. This association is, once again positive. However, instead of in our previous reading, this association tells us that a woman may be responsible for the way things are going to be. A woman may help you get out the trap you fell in. If you are a man, depressed because of any kind of failure, one could conceive that your wife is going to give you the push you need. It can also be a mother that is helping her child, or just a mother that is providing advice, money... 

Meanings of the Empress depends on neighboring arcana

Now in both spreads illustrated above, we don't see other arcana, we can't thus make more specific predictions. But as you can see, the place of the card that is supposed to be read is important and it can be once the main card, once the secundary one.

Obviously if I place an arcanum next to the Empress in the second image, it will influence it in the same way the 3rd arcanum influenced the 10th. 

Let's say that I place the Emperor in a love spread. Then the Wheel means that things are settling, good decisions are made, a woman and a man are about to partner in life. It may also relate to something entirely different if fourth, a fifth, etc. arcanum is added to the spread.

I hope that this short additional course is going to help you better understand how tarot cards work. And I'll see you in a next installment.

Disclosure: the articles on this site generate income for the writer based on affiliate relationships with our partners, including Google, CJ.com and others. The Tarot Cards Reading is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

27 May 2014

Different Ways To Understand the Popess

So in a previous article I provided you with a way or two to learn the meaning of the tarot card the High Priestess also known as the Popess. But there are many other manners that psychic readers use to do their predictions to their clients.

The Popess or High Priestess is a card that relates to intelligence, wisdom, but it also can mean that the person is hiding. The card may represent someone who is thinking after desappointing arguments or news. The person may be upset and sad. 

In order for us to better understand how this arcanum works we need to get a more detailed spread. While the simple cross answers most questions they don't really give us an actual overview of the situation.

An inline spread including the Popess

To allow you to better see how the High Priestess is influenced by her neighborhood, I am going to take the example of friends who had a terrible argument and one of them wonders if they are going to get in touch before long.

Remember here we are talking about friendship, not love, not career, not money. Only plain and simple friendship.

Here is what our inline spread looks like

As you can see we placed these cards on the table:

The Moon
Through the 18th arcanum we clearly see that the friends were highly upset. The Moon is the card of the family, the household, but it is also the card of nightmares, delussions, sad news, etc.

The High Priestess
Here we see that our client's friend is thinking about the situation, she/he is hiding, the person really needs to be alone for some time. 

The Hanged Man
The 12th arcanum lets us know that this person really cares about our client, but really needs to keep away for some time even if she/he feels like being sacrificed. This person is wise and knows that they need to not get in touch for a while.

The Star
Here again we have confirmation that the person cares for our client as the Star stands for the chances that the friend is going to communicate later with our client. 

We could add some more cards to learn more about the time it will take before news to come. But this is not the purpose of this article.

Even more ways to read the High Priestess

Indeed, there are so many ways in which the arcanum provides us with interpretation. 

This arcanum with the Moon on its right may relate to a future pregnancy or birth of a baby - or even birth of new chapter in life (all depending on the cards that surround them).

Along with the Magician to its right it can relate to a new person that happens to enter your life.

With the Devil this arcanum may also let us know that our client has a secret love affair.

The Hermit along with the Popess relate to loneliness.

And so on.

The ways psychic readers see and read the tarot cards are numerous and we must always consider all possibilities before making conclusions. 

I hope that you enjoyed this article. I'll see you soon for a new installment of our guide on how to read the tarot cards.

Disclosure: the articles on this site generate income for the writer based on affiliate relationships with our partners, including Google, CJ.com and others. The Tarot Cards Reading is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

25 May 2014

More Ways To Read the Magician Tarot

As said in another article, there are many ways in which psychics read the cards. This applies to all major and minor arcana in the tarot deck.

The Magician has so many different meanings whether you make a reading for love matters, career, health, money... All different possibilities are influenced by the cards in the Magician's neighborhood. In addition to the category the card is supposed to provide information, the arcanum before it, the arcanum after it, have some kind of influence, good or bad.

Different interpretations of the arcanum

In case of sessions relating to love matters, the arcanum will not always give you the same answer for a man or for a woman. As an example, when it comes to women, this card generally relates to a new relationship, a man that the woman is about to meet, an ex that is about to get back to her...

For men the card may have the same meaning but can also be related to their career even though the question is based on love things. This influence probably dates back to these times when men were supposed to work to feed their families.

One is not obliged to spread a cross in order to find the answer. One can make an inline spread for such a purpose. The inline spread is one that I particularly like as it allows me to give more information than when I use a simple cross. 

With inline spreads, I can clearly see the cards that influence the others. That type of games also enables me to have a better view of which card is more important, and the one that is bearer of news. I never spread more than 5 major arcana in this set.

A non-contractual inline spread - one of my favorite ones

The Magician psychic love reading

A woman asks a question about her sentimental life. She is single, had a few failed relationships in the past, she wonders if she is about to meet someone new, find love and happiness.

If I get this line of cards:

Death  -  Temperance  -  Magician  -  Sun  -  Judgement 

Given the situation I could say that the woman is about to start a new chapter of her life. Death does not always imply bad things. In fact it symbolizes the end of something and the beginning of something else. Since the very next card is highly positive the noname arcanum announces good opportunities. 

Our client is going to meet new people and communicate a lot. The Temperance relates to communication as well as patience. This enables me to predict lots of contacts with people. 

The Magician tells me that this woman will meet someone during those times when she's communicating (communication implies people around her). 

The Sun is bearer of promises of happiness. This happiness cannot have another concern than this new relationship since it is sourrounded by the Magician and the Judgement.

The Judgement confirms that this is going to happen very soon. This arcanum relates to speed as well as law/lawyer things. If the Judgement would have been neighbor to the Tower or the Justice, one might have been able to think about a lawyer or policeman or so. But none of these cards were spread so it relates to speed.

Career reading with the Magician tarot

Let's shuffle things a little bit and see how one could read this very same spread for a man who wants to know what his career is about to turn into.

So we have the same cards and:

Death: this arcanum is synonym of change, when surrounded with positive cards, the change is for the best.

Temperance: a little patience and/or communicating with accurate people will be helpful. Here the Temperance does not provide us with a lot of information as it is directly neighbor with the card related to the career. But if one places a minor arcanum on it, one might get more info.

Magician: a new job opportunity is about to come and our consultant is going to find it highly attractive. I am able to state that because the next card is a positive one.

Sun: indeed, the offer is attractive as the Sun is a highly positive card that brings all the best news. This new job opportunity is going to provide our consultant with more attractive tasks, wages and future.

Judgement: the Judgement here may imply that these good news will not take long to take effect but it can also mean that our consultant is about to find a new job opportunity in a field that is tied to law/lawyers/police, etc. A sixth card is therefore necessary if one wants to learn more. Though the sixth card should be a minor arcanum as major ones are not going to provide more information.

I hope that you will put these tips into action in your next spread. In case you just want to use these tricks to better understand your own fortune-teller predictions, then I recommend to ask her the cards she pulled out when doing the reading. This way you will be able to compare her reading with the few meanings I provided.

Disclosure: the articles on this site generate income for the writer based on affiliate relationships with our partners, including Google, CJ.com and others. The Tarot Cards Reading is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

21 May 2014

The Empress Is the 3rd Tarot Major Arcanum

The Empress - 3rd Major Arcanum
Third major arcanum in the tarot card deck, the Empress is also the second woman in the game. In the original deck this arcanum is named L'impératrice. 

She is the female mirror of the next figure - the Emperor. As you can see this feminine character sits on her throne and wears a crown.

The Empress is self confident, she inspires peacefulness, she is intelligent and one can have faith in such a person. This is a very good card when appearing in a spread.

What the Empress tarot means basically

When appearing in the normal position, she stands for intelligence, strength, motherhood, good thoughts, good steps, control ...

In case you see its upside coming down, then you can guess that it is going to be synonym of fake friends, arguments, end of peace, bad news, etc.

A quick and very simple example of a spread including the Empress

Using the cross spread, we're answering to the following question: is my recent relationship going to last?

For such a spread we need to choose 4 major arcana. 

  • Left: the Magician
  • Right: the Empress
  • Up: The Star
  • Down: The Moon

Here is a simple interpretation - please note that this is a fictive spread; so we can't get more in-depth and I will only tell you what I could give a client as an answer given the cards that I see.

The first tarot card major arcanum lets us envisage that, indeed, the realtionship is recent and that it is meant to be one serious. 

The second card is the Empress and in this place means that this man does not have another woman in his life. 

The Star is there to tell us that our client hopes this relationship to be promising. 

The answer is the Moon; which, in some circumstances, relates to the home, the couple, the family.

One can do a synthesis of the 4 major arcana and we will get 12 as a result. 12 is the number of the Hanged Man. This leads us in thinking that for this relationship to last, the other part - the man - should get rid of his past once for all.

For more information about this arcanum, you can visit The Empress Tarot.

Learning the Tarot:
A Tarot Book for Beginners
If you are a beginner and want to start reading the cards by yourself, then I recommend you to buy a guide. Using such a book will greatly help you understand the meaning of the cards and also have an overview of the different spreads that are used by fortune-tellers.

As a matter of fact, all fortune-tellers do not use the same spreads, some prefer the cross one that provides them with quick answers, others prefer the Celtic cross that provides them with more in-depth answers, and so on.

Some psychic readers even make use of a pendulum to confirm their predictions or find out what their clients may expect.

The Empress obscure world

17 May 2014

Tips To Help with Tarot Card Predictions

Fortune Teller's tools of the trade
I'm not the most patient person on Earth. So I now pretty well that, when I stress about a situation, even if I get tarot card predictions from a well known fortune teller, I won't be able to get my ideas on something else between the readind and it's realization.

Most of my clients feel the same way when I do predictions for them and I often suggest them to get another piece of advice from a colleague of mine.

The tip I use the most is that I write all predictions on a notepad - I do this by hand and never on the computer as I find it more personal and reliable when written down by hand. 

As an example, let's say that you consulted three different fortune tellers for the very same question: am I going to get my ex back by the end of the year?

If you ask the question in January, you might get a little stressed as the end of the year is quite far. Even in June, you may not be as patient as your fortune teller expects. 

Not to mention if the three fortune tellers told you that he'd be back by December but that, in the meantime, you're going to get news from him.

Alas, "getting news" from him doesn't imply that he is going to call you or write to you directly. It may also mean that he's going to have a conversation with a common friend, that he is going to have a drink in a bar you're accustomed to go and talk to people you meet there. It might even signify that you are going to hear from him through the newspapers or the community you are part of.

In such events, how can you be patient? The fortune teller told you that you'd get news but you didn't... No, not directly but indirectly, you did!

Tips and tricks to greatly deal with predictions

As said, a tip I recommend is that since you wrote down all predictions, each time something as little as it is happens, check it in the list.

For example, if you were told that you'd hear his voice by the end of the week, and that on Friday you called him and had a nice chat with him, check it on the list. 

Tip 2: you can also consult different tarot card or psychic readers and write predictions clairvoyant, by clairvoyant. Once all the predictions clearly noted, search for those that are the same. Write them on a separate page and use that one to check the results.

Tip 3: do not ask the same question to everyone or too many times, this does not bring luck and may even block things from happening.

You can read more tips and tricks to find people who will provide you with good predictions at How to Find a Good Fortune Teller.

Picture credit: Dreamstime.com - copyrighted, don't download or copy.

13 May 2014

How To Deal with Tarot Card Predictions

Fortune teller's tools of the trade
One of the things that makes us consult a fortune teller or pushes us to do a spread for ourselves is LOVE. Relationships aren't always easy to deal with and we are more often than not worried about the way things are going on in our romance.

So, we face a problem with our sweetheart and go to see a fortune teller so as to know if he's going to get back to us or if he's having a new romance with some other woman. 

You've got your prediction, now what?

Here I'm going to talk through a tarot card reading that would try to convince us that things are going to get better soon and that this "break" he took from us is not going to last for long.

Indeed, if your fortune teller predicts that he's not going to get back to you this year and even never again, there is no point telling you how to deal with the prediction. If your fortune teller is a good one, chances are that the guy will never come back.

Things apply also to guys who are looking forward to getting their girlfriend back, of course.

The fortune teller tells you that he did take some distance from your relationship, that the story in on stand by. He needs to be left alone for some time so as to decide on his future - and yours, by the way. He is thinking about you and the sentiments he has and will make a decision soon. The answer is that you're going to get your ex back but you need to be patient as things are going to be slow.

As the one that was left alone, you wonder and worry about a potential come back. You don't have the patience to wait for so long without any news. The sound of silence is killing you. We all know what you are facing right now.

How to deal with tarot card predictions

If you are unsure of the predictions, I would suggest to take another piece of advice from another fortune teller. Most of the time, good fortune tellers will tell you the exact same things. Only time notion might differ from one to another. Some are able to date things, some can't. 

But if the second tarot card reading was entirely different, then I highly recommend taking a third advice. Two pieces of advice are similar? Then you should listen to both of them and be patient.

A little trick I often use is that I write the predictions I do - and the predictions I get in the event that the client is... myself. I check any kind of event that happens since then and that I could find in the list.

Stay tuned for some tips and tricks on how to deal with predictions done through tarot card readings.

Photo credit: Dreamstime.com - copyright protected, don't download or copy.

11 May 2014

Tarot Card The High Priestess Major Arcanum 2

The High Priestess or The Popess

This card is named The High Priestess but also known as being the Popess or La Papesse (in French). The woman that is drawn on the second arcanum of the tarot card deck wears the pope's tiara. She can also be represented as being Isis, who was Osiris' wife, the Egyptian divinity. 

The Popess or The High Priestess - you can name her the way you want, though the original French appelation is "The Popess" - represents wisdom, peacefulness, quality development. Her dress is neutral, blue and red. The blue color of this apparel means that she can get calm and stay still. 

This major arcanum of the tarot card deck is very positive. It is also the Yin element - in comparison with the Magician that is the Yang one.

Meaning of the Popess tarot card

When this card is pulled in the right position, it relates to Mother Nature and all natural senses and qualities of the human being. It can also relate to pregnancy and motherhood. Knowledge, perspicacity and wisdom are the main qualities of this tarot card major character.

When it comes in the reversed position the High Priestess symbolizes things that go too far, pain, sadness, superficiality.

If used in a spread that relates to the hidden side of a man's life, she may stand for his mistress. 

A tarot spread as an example

For example in a spread that is made for a woman who wants to know if her husband is unfaithful, we use four cards:

  • Left: the Lovers,
  • Right: the High Priestess,
  • Top: the Moon,
  • Bottom: the Tower

Here is how to provide a correct reading to your client: 

The Lovers means that her husband seems to be having troubles in his life and looks hesitant as to what to do and what to choose. However, the Popess on the right means that there is no mistress (yet) and that he is not unfaithful to his wife. The Moon confirms that the wife is wrong but thinks her husband misleads her because of his life troubles. The Tower is the answer: no there is nothing apart huge problems that he deals with.

The synthesis of these 4 cards is tied to numerology: 6 + 2 + 18 + 16 = 42. 4 + 2 = The Lovers. As you can see, even in the synthesis, this man has some problems and doesn't know how to solve them.

Universal Tarot of Marseille
(English and Spanish Edition)
If you just start reading the cards and want to perfect your skills, then I will recommend to find an original Tarot de Marseille deck. Using such a game will enable you to better understand how to read the cards.

Many times, a deck like this one is delivered with an included guide. It is indispensable for you to begin to tell the future to friends and relatives.

The Tarot de Marseille is the original game and is the one that will teach you how to read and interpret the cards so as to make good predictions.

Enter the mysterious world of the High Priestess


You will find even more information about the High Priestess or Popess tarot here.

09 May 2014

Tarot Card Reading: The Magician 1st Major Arcanum

The Magician Tarot

The Magician is the first tarot card in the deck. It is known as "Le Bateleur. As you can see, on the card there is a man, who looks young, that is standing in front of a table. He is actually working.

This major arcanum is the life element, an active card. The card number being 1 (male) represents the Yang element.

The Magician's meaning

When spread normally, this card stands for the beginning of everything, the will and desire of an human being. It can also be a man's job or a new romance for a woman.

In the reversed way, this arcanum represents the troubles one can face at work. It relates also to the lack of self-confidence, some kind of apathetic attitude.

Basic meaning of a tarot card is interpreted according to the way the card is placed when doing the spread (upside down or right position).

For instance, our client is a man who desires to learn more about his occupation and the opportunities he can expect from it.

Predictions using four major arcana

We shuffle the deck of 22 tarot cards and place the arcana this way:

  • Left: Justice
  • Right: The Moon
  • Top: The Magician
  • Bottom: Wheel of fortune

Meaning of the spread:

The Justice on the left tells us that this man is able to succeed in his career (The Justice means stability and confidence); 

The Moon on the right means that he should not have a total confidence in his colleagues (the Moon represents hypocrisy and the lies); 

The Magician represents the profession of our consulting person; 

The Wheel Of Fortune means that this man will succeed in his career. 

The synthesis of these four cards is 10 which is the number of the Wheel Of Fortune. 

This card means that our consultant will have a great professional career but only if he does not care about his colleagues and their hypocrisy.

Universal Tarot of Marseille
(English and Spanish Edition)
If you are a beginner, then I highly recommend to purchase an original Tarot de Marseille deck. Using such a deck will help you better understand how reading the cards work.

Most of the time, by getting such a deck you are going to find an included guide. It is indispensable for you to start telling fortune to friends and relatives.

The Tarot de Marseille is the original game and is the one that will teach you how to read and interpret the cards so as to make good predictions.

More information about the Magician


If you want to get more information about this tarot card and its meaning, then I invite you to visit the tarot card The Magician here

Reviving The Tarot Cards Reading

I haven't been posting a lot these past years. For the main reason that I focused on pages I built on another platform that performed pretty well and also for health reasons. Staying on the computer all day long, typing predictions, tarot cards reading explanations was hard.

I still deal with health troubles but wanted this site to revive as I enjoyed sharing my tarot card reading passion with the world.

Another reason is that I closed the related site as I wanted a more focused one to do my job.

So here you are, a new design, more pages will be added over time and I plan on moving all tarot card pages from the old site that is now closed here. You will thus have a wider overview of what tarot cards mean and what they can do for you.

Let's start with a brand new post in a few hours: The Magician tarot card. It was subject of the last article I published here, not detailed enough. The original one is going to find its home here and each time I can link it to a longer article, I'll do so.

Enjoy your day.